

  • 1/2.7inch 3.2mm obosara FOV obere mgbagha M8 osisi oghere

    1/2.7inch 3.2mm obosara FOV obere mgbagha M8 osisi oghere

    EFL 3.2mm, Fixed-Focal emebere maka ihe mmetụta 1 / 2.7 inch, igwefoto onyunyo dị elu S ugwu oghere.

    All S-Mount ma ọ bụ bọọdụ ugwu anyanya bụ kọmpat, fechaa, na nke ukwuu inogide, ha anaghị enwe ihe ọ bụla n'ime ime na-emegharị elekwasị anya. Yiri lens M12, M8 lens kọmpat size na-enyere mfe mbanye n'ime dị iche iche ngwaọrụ, na-eme ka ha ezigbo nhọrọ maka ngwa dị ka kọmpat egwuregwu ese foto na IoT ngwaọrụ.
    Mgbagwoju anya, nke a makwaara dị ka Aberration, na-esite na nghọtahie dị na mmetụta oghere diaphragm. N'ihi ya, mgbagha na-agbanwe naanị ọnọdụ Imaging nke ihe na-apụ apụ axis na ụgbọ elu dị mma ma na-agbagọ ọdịdị nke onyinyo ahụ n'emeghị ka ọ pụta ìhè. Emebere JY-P127LD032FB-5MP maka ihe mmetụta 1/2.7 nke nwere mgbagha dị ala na mgbagha TV na-erughị 1.0%. Mgbagha ya dị ala na-akwalite izi ezi na nkwụsi ike iji ruo oke nha nke ngwa nchọpụta ngwa anya dị elu.

  • 1/2.7inch 2.8mm F1.6 8MP S ugwu oghere

    1/2.7inch 2.8mm F1.6 8MP S ugwu oghere

    EFL2.8mm, Fixed-Focal emebere maka ihe mmetụta 1 / 2.7 inch, igwefoto nchekwa dị elu / oghere igwefoto mgbo,

    A na-eji lensị anya m12 niile edobere anya site na kọmpat, atụmatụ dị fechaa na ịdịte aka pụrụ iche, na-eme ka ha bụrụ nhọrọ dị ọnụ ahịa maka ntinye n'ime ngwaọrụ ndị ahịa dị iche iche. A na-ejikarị ha eme ihe na igwefoto nchekwa, igwefoto egwuregwu kọmpat, ndị na-ahụ maka VR, sistemu nduzi na ngwa ndị ọzọ. Jinyuan Optics gụnyere nhọrọ dị iche iche nke lenses S-Mount dị elu, na-enye ọtụtụ mkpebi na ogologo isi.
    JYM12-8MP usoro bụ elu mkpebi (ruo 8MP) anya m haziri maka osisi larịị ese foto. JY-127A028FB-8MP bụ 8MP wide-angle 2.8mm nke na-enye 133.5° Diagonal Field of View on 1/2.7 ″ sensọ. Ọzọkwa, oghere a nwere ọmarịcha oghere F1.6, na-ebuga ogo onyonyo dị elu yana ike ịchịkọta ọkụ.

  • 1/2.7inch 4mm F1.6 8MP S ugwu oghere igwefoto

    1/2.7inch 4mm F1.6 8MP S ugwu oghere igwefoto

    Ogologo ogologo 4mm, Fixed-Focal emebere maka ihe mmetụta 1 / 2.7 inch, Igwefoto nchekwa dị elu / oghere igwefoto mgbo.

    Igwe anya S-Mount nwere eriri nwoke M12 nwere oghere 0.5 mm na oghere na eriri nwanyị kwekọrọ na ugwu ahụ, nke na-ekewa ha dị ka lenses M12. Jinyuan Optics na-enye ụdị anya anya anya S-Mount dị elu dị iche iche, na-enye mkpebi dị iche iche na ogologo oge iji gboo mkpa dị iche iche.
    Igwefoto bọọdụ M12, nke na-egosipụta nnukwu oghere na ebe nlele sara mbara bụ nhọrọ dị mma maka ndị na-ese foto na-achọ ijide nlegharị anya akụkụ obosara na-akpali akpali. JYM12-8MP usoro bụ elu mkpebi (ruo 8MP) anya m haziri maka osisi larịị ese foto. JY-127A04FB-8MP bụ oghere 4mm M12 obosara nke na-enye 106.3° Diagonal Field of View na 1/2.7 ″ sensọ. Na mgbakwunye, oghere a nwere oghere F1.6 dị egwu, nke ọ bụghị naanị na-eme ka ogo onyonyo dịkwuo mma kamakwa na-enye ike ịchịkọta ọkụ dị elu.

  • 1 / 2.7 inch 6mm nnukwu oghere 8MP S ugwu oghere oghere

    1 / 2.7 inch 6mm nnukwu oghere 8MP S ugwu oghere oghere

    Ogologo oghere 6mm, Fixed-Focal emebere maka ihe mmetụta 1 / 2.7 inch, oghere oghere igwefoto onyunyo dị elu.

    A na-arụpụta lensị elu osisi ahụ n'ụdị dị iche iche, na-egosipụta dayameta eri sitere na 4mm ruo 16mm, oghere M12 bụ nke a na-ejikarị na ahịa. A na-etinyekarị ya na igwefoto osisi. Ngwaahịa dị iche iche nke Jinyuan Optics gụnyere nhọrọ dịgasị iche iche nke lenses S-Mount dị elu, na-enye ọtụtụ mkpebi na ogologo isi.
    JYM12-8MP usoro bụ elu mkpebi (ruo 8MP) anya m haziri maka osisi larịị ese foto. JY-127A06FB-8MP bụ 8MP nnukwu oghere 6mm nke na-enye 67.9° Diagonal Field of View na 1/2.7 ″ sensọ. Na mgbakwunye, oghere a nwere nnukwu oghere F1.6 yana dakọtara na igwefoto nwere igwe M12. Ogo ya kọmpat, arụmọrụ dị elu, ọnụ ahịa dị ọnụ ala na ihe owuwu na-adịgide adịgide na-eme ka ọ na-atụnye ụtụ n'iji ya eme ihe.

  • 1/2.7inch M12 ugwu 3MP 1.75mm anya azụ

    1/2.7inch M12 ugwu 3MP 1.75mm anya azụ

    Ogologo anya mmiri na-ekpuchi anya 1.75mm nnukwu oghere oghere, Ebere-Focal emebere maka ihe mmetụta 1 / 2.7inch, igwefoto nchekwa / igwefoto mgbo lenses

    A na-ama anya lensị Fisheye nke ọma maka ịweta panoramas nke mbara ala na mbara igwe, na-ejikwa ihe ndị dị nso dị ka igwe mmadụ, ihe owuwu na ime ụlọ. A na-eji ha eme ihe na igwefoto nchekwa, ngwa ụlọ ọrụ ụgbọ ala, sistemu panoramic 360 °, foto drone, ngwa VR / AR, sistemụ ọhụụ igwe.
    N'ikwu okwu n'ozuzu, akụkụ obosara nke azụ azụ nwere ike inye nlele anya 180degree, ma enwere ụdị isi abụọ - okirikiri na etiti zuru oke.
    Iji mezuo ihe ọhụrụ chọrọ nke oghere iji rụọ ọrụ na nnukwu usoro yana igwefoto dị elu, Jinyuan Optics ahọrọla oghere azụ azụ dị oke elu maka ngwa gị. JY-127A0175FB-3MP na-enye àgwà oyiyi dị nkọ maka igwefoto multi-mega pikselụ, dakọtara na 1/2.7inch na obere ihe mmetụta, na nnukwu mmụọ ozi nke anya nke buru ibu karịa 180degree.

  • 1/4inch 1million pixel S ugwu 2.1mm pinhole obere oghere

    1/4inch 1million pixel S ugwu 2.1mm pinhole obere oghere

    2.1mm pinhole cone lens, emebere maka 1/4 inch sensọ nchekwa igwefoto / obere igwefoto / anya igwefoto zoro ezo

  • 1inch C ugwu 10MP 50mm Machine ọhụụ anya m

    1inch C ugwu 10MP 50mm Machine ọhụụ anya m

    Ihe nlere anya FA na-arụ ọrụ dị elu, mgbagha dị ala dakọtara na 1inch na ndị ntakiri onyonyo.

  • 14X eyepieces, 0.39inch abalị ọhụụ ihu igwe ihe nlebanya ihuenyo

    14X eyepieces, 0.39inch abalị ọhụụ ihu igwe ihe nlebanya ihuenyo

    Ogologo ogologo 13.5mm, akwụkwọ ntuziaka 14X, oghere ngwaọrụ ọhụụ abalị / egbe eletrọnịkị ihe egwuregwu ụmụaka na-achọ / Imaging lens anya / anya.

  • 1/2.5'' 12mm F1.4 CS Ugwu CCTV oghere

    1/2.5'' 12mm F1.4 CS Ugwu CCTV oghere

    Ogologo oghere 12mm, Fixed-Focal emebere maka ihe mmetụta 1/2.5 inch, mkpebi ruru 3MP, oghere igwefoto nchekwa.

  • 1/2.7inch S ugwu 3.7mm pinhole oghere

    1/2.7inch S ugwu 3.7mm pinhole oghere

    Obere oghere 3.7mm edobere anya, emebere maka 1 / 2.7 inch sensọ nchekwa igwefoto / obere igwefoto / oghere igwefoto zoro ezo

    Emebere igwefoto zoro ezo iji zoo ma ọ bụ gbanwee n'ihe ndị a na-eme kwa ụbọchị mgbe a na-edekọ ọdịyo na vidiyo. Enwere ike iji ha mee ihe dị iche iche dịka nchekwa ụlọ, nleba anya na nleba anya. Igwefoto ndị a na-arụ ọrụ site na ịse foto site na oghere, na-echekwa ya na kaadị ebe nchekwa, ma ọ bụ bufee ya ozugbo na ngwaọrụ dịpụrụ adịpụ. Igwefoto zoro ezo nke na-eji oghere pinhole ụdị cone 3.7mm na-enye DFOV obosara nke ọma (ihe dịka ogo 100). JY-127A037PH-FB bụ oghere cone 3Megapixel pinhole dakọtara na 1/2.7inch sensọ n'ọdịdị kọmpat. Ọ dị ntakịrị ma na-ewe obere ohere karịa anya anya ndị gọọmentị. Wụnye ngwa ngwa na ntụkwasị obi dị elu.

  • 1.1 inch C ugwu 20MP 12mm Machine Vision Fixed-Focal lenses

    1.1 inch C ugwu 20MP 12mm Machine Vision Fixed-Focal lenses

    FA 12mm 1.1 ″ Igwefoto Focal Lens Fixed Igwefoto Igwefoto C-Mount Lens

  • 2.8-12mm F1.4 Auto Iris CCTV Vidiyo Vari-focal lens maka igwefoto nchekwa

    2.8-12mm F1.4 Auto Iris CCTV Vidiyo Vari-focal lens maka igwefoto nchekwa

    DC auto iris CS mount 3mp F1.4 2.8-12mm Varifocal nche igwefoto oghere, dakọtara na 1/2.5 inch image sensọ igbe igwefoto